正在找液壓振動機來協助打拔樁嗎?Looking For Hydraulic Vibro Hammer For Piling Construction?

讓明暘加快你的工程效率吧!! Let Ming Yang BOOST UP You Construction Progress!! 明暘機械提供高品質的客製化營造設備,如振動機、怪手、機械手臂、鑽孔機...等等。幫助你有效率地完成工程! Ming Yang speed up your construction progress by providing the high quality customized construction equipment! 客製化打造機械 Customized Machinery 在應用振動機設備於土木工程上,明暘已累積大量的專業經驗,能夠針對客戶需求,提供最廣範圍的振動機種類,並且依照規格去設計改裝最安全適用的機械手臂和怪手配重。 MY has great experience in applying vibrator in civil engineering. We understand your need and provide various type of vibrators for different soil characteristics and environment. We can also modify your arm, boom and excavator making sure you operate the vibrator safely and efficiently. 一條龍產線服務 Consistent Production Process 我們擁有業界少見的一條龍產線服務,除了製造振動機之外,從油路配置設計、機械手臂改裝、怪手配重等,我們一站完成,為您節省時間和成本,並且免去分站完成的錯誤風險。 We are the very few company that has consistent production process in...